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Google Core & Spam Update March 2024

Google Core & Spam Update March 2024

Spring is in the air, and it’s not just your house that’s getting a refresh! Google Search is undergoing a major spring cleaning with a double-whammy of an update. Google is releasing both a Core update AND a Spam update for March, 2024. The intention? Weed out the low-quality content and expired information so you can find the sweetest (and most relevant) search results possible.

Update Alert:

March 2024: Google releases the March 2024 core update. The update began on March 5th and is expected to take about a month to complete. Additionally, Google releases the March 2024 spam update, which started on the 5th and was completed on the 20th.

Google Search Fighting Spam & Low-Quality Content

Have you ever searched for something online and ended up on a website that seems oddly unhelpful or irrelevant? You are not alone, and it so bad that even Google has had enough too.

The vastness of the internet means there is a lot of information out there, and unfortunately, not all of it delicious – some content is just sour! In recent years, the use of Artificial Intelligence has made it easier for some to create large amounts of low-quality content designed to manipulate search results. This can be frustrating for users looking for genuine and helpful information.

The good news is that Google is taking action! They are introducing both new improved quality ranking systems as part of their core update, and new and improved spam policies with their spam update.

Google core updates refer to broad and systemic changes to the search algorithms and systems. This time around, Google is specifically focusing on three areas:

While Google has always fought spam, this update takes aim at new and evolving tactics used to sneak low-quality content into your search results. Sugarcoating is out and Google is exposing the sour content by updating spam policies and targeting:

Google Core & Spam Update Causes SEO Panic

While these updates aim to create a sweeter search experience for everyone, they can also cause some temporary heartburn for website owners and SEO enthusiasts. Any core and spam updates can lead to some ranking volatility. This means that website rankings might fluctuate a bit in the search results.

If you have not noticed, there are people in panic mode on SEO forums and social media. Some website owners have already experienced website traffic plummet, search ranking drop, as well as received “issue notifications” related to spam content. As these updates continue to roll-out and the new search engine landscape is built, volatility will die down and so will the panic.

Sweeter Searches Ahead: Moving Forward with Google

It’s important to remember that these fluctuations are usually temporary, and Google is constantly working on its algorithms. Search engines are competitive and there will always be people trying to manipulate and get ahead. For those of us who follow the rules, we appreciate these updates.

If you follow Google’s guidelines, you should have little to worry about. There will always be outliers though, and if you happen to be one of them, here are a few things to keep in mind:

By following these tips, you can help ensure your website remains a top pick in the search results. Even amidst the sugar rush of Google updates. If you are still worried though, you can always reach out to the Cyberlicious® experts. We’ve got you covered.

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