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Google Optimize & Optimize 360 Sunsetting, Say Your Goodbyes Now

Google Optimize and Optimize 360 Are Sunset

Mark your calendars. On September 30, 2023, Google Optimize and Optimize 360 will officially sunset. This means you will no longer be able to use them, and any experiments or personalization running will automatically end on this date.

So, take time to gather data from them now, as you won’t have any options come the cut-off date. In fact, per Google, “you won’t be able to access your experience inference results or your historical Google Analytics raw data after the sunset date.”

With this change coming, what do businesses need to know? More importantly, how do you prepare for this change? Let’s talk.

What Businesses Need to Know Now That Google Optimize & Optimize 360 Are Done

Google Optimize and Optimize 360 were a great tool for businesses, particularly since they offered a free version. This change will undoubtably leave a gap in the market for an affordable A/B experimentation application. However, we expect some of the third-party applications to offer a low-cost tier to fill this gap. Only time will tell though.

Why This is Happening

With Universal Analytics out, and GA4 in, we are not surprised that Google is switching things up a bit. Per Google, Optimize “does not have many of the features and services that our customers request and need for experimentation testing. We therefore have decided to invest in solutions that will be more effective for our customers.”

Google is expected to eventually integrate A/B testing directly into GA4, with hopefully more functions than Optimize. Until then however, third-party applications are available for use.

Current Contracts with Optimize

At this time, Google is no longer allowing customers to sign contracts for Optimize 360. Additionally, any contracts that were created in the beginning half of the year will still automatically lose access on September 30, 2023. Don’t worry if you are one of these customers though, Google won’t be charging you for the service after that date.

Even though users can still access Optimize through the integration in GA4, we highly suggest you begin researching and find another option to take over. The deadline is soon.

Firebase A/B Testing

If you use Firebase A/B testing then you probably know that it also uses the Optimize infrastructure. Fortunately, Firebase A/B testing will NOT be effected by the sunset date! In fact, Google stated that they will still update and support this feature.

How to Prepare for the Optimize Sunset Date

Basically, research and testing. At this time, Cyberlicious® R&D is working through understanding the integration between GA4 and a third-party’s experiment tool, then we will determine which one we’ll utilize for us and our clients.

Google has specifically noted three third-party applications that they are looking into and will provide updates as they appear. Please note that there are other options available and what you choose to use will likely be based on your business/experimentation needs. The three we know of through Google are:

Visit them. Check out their demos. See if they are a match for you.

Get Started Soon

The first place to start is GA4. If you haven’t switched over to GA4 yet, we aren’t sure what you’re doing exactly. Google officially switched from UA to GA4 in July, so you might want to get on that. This is where you will be running experiments and collecting data so get familiar with it now.

Overall, you will want to leave Optimize sooner rather than later. If you rely on Optimize’s data and run experiments frequently, you don’t want to be stuck fumbling for data post-September 30th. So, here is what we suggest:

  1. Look for alternatives. Compare and contrast to find which one will work for you.
  2. Make a choice and install it on your website.
  3. Integrate with GA4.
  4. Learn and experiment with new applications.
  5. Get that data!

If you are familiar with Optimize and Optimize 360 and are bummed about this change, we don’t blame you. Change can be tough. Researching the right third-party application to use alone can be annoying.

If you want to skip all of that though, we have a solution for you. Schedule a consultation with the Cyberlicious® team to see how we can optimize your website using A/B testing and improve conversions with data/analytics!

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