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Shoppers Love YouTube, Why You Should Too

Shoppers Love YouTube

Do You Want to Stand Out & Reach Your Customers Better?

Then it is time to start looking into how shoppers are utilizing the internet before making their purchase. In particular, how they are using YouTube. YouTube is a platform that gives businesses a unique way to advertise and broadcast their products to their customers. It is time for you to learn exactly how shoppers are behaving and why YouTube can give you a leg up.

Have you ever watched a video on how to install or fix something? Better yet, have you watched a video that details an unboxing or review of a particular product you are interested in? Newsflash, most people have. Alongside shopper behaviors, let’s take a look at some YouTube statistics and some strategies to push your business to success.

Why do Shoppers Like YouTube?

There are 3 main ways that shoppers are behaving when it comes to the platform. Keep these in mind when we give you some strategies to use for your business.

Unsurprisingly, YouTube can lead your business to successfully hit all of these behaviors. Youtube is a trusted platform, therefore, that trust can almost be directly attributed to your business.

YouTube Statistics

The number of people who use YouTube is astounding, so let’s review some 2022 numbers.

Source: Hootsuite 2022 Digital Trends Global Overview

Second Most Visited Website

According to Semrush, YouTube is the second most visited website both Worldwide and in the United States. It brings in over 76 billion monthly Worldwide visitors, with over 10 Billion monthly visitors in the United States alone.

Percentage of YouTube Users

According to Statista, 62% of YouTube users utilize the platform on a daily basis. Even better, those numbers increase weekly and monthly:

  • 92% of users visit weekly
  • 98% of users visit monthly

Male vs. Female Users

According to the Hootsuite 2022 Digital Trends, 54.3% of users are male, with 45.7% of users being female. This is actually a slight increase in female viewers from the 2020 report, which is good to keep in mind.

Percentage of Population Reached

In the United States, over 77% of the population over the age of 18 can be reached on YouTube! Then take into consideration, that worldwide, YouTube sees about 1 billion hours of video watched daily, and you get a lot of opportunities for audience engagement.

Strategies to Implement

YouTube is a perfect way to promote your brand awareness and gain followers. So, let’s talk about which strategies you can use to beef up your YouTube business presence and really make waves with your customers/audience. Here are our top 6 recommendations to keep in mind:

1. Stay on Brand

Brand recognizability is key! You will want to focus on delivering on-brand content that matches your website, as well as your other social media channels. You want your channel to be easy to recognize. Do this by uploading your logo, utilizing your brand color pallet, and more. Check out YouTube’s customization features to explore how you can personalize your business’ channel.

2. Content Cadence

Posting regularly for audience engagement is important! Don’t be afraid to schedule out your content, we would recommend even months in advance. But that’s not all, research which keywords your audience is searching and when they are active online and engaging with their favorite brands. You can utilize YouTube Analytics to get tons of information about your channel.

3. Content is King

We cannot emphasize the importance of having the right type of content. The type of content you create for your business YouTube channel will depend on your products/services, your audience, and more. However, you will need to create content that your potential customers are interested in. This may include:

  • Product videos
  • FAQ’s
  • How-to’s
  • Behind the scenes
  • Demonstrations
  • Step-by-Step Instructions

You will need to figure out which mixture works for your brand. Stick out and show how your brand is unique.

Protip: Don’t forget your call to action!

4. Find that Sweet Spot

We live in an age where people are constantly interacting with videos, posts, and information. So, keep their full attention by not dragging out your content. When people come across your video, particularly if they don’t know your brand, the first things they’ll notice are the title, the thumbnail, and the length of the video. If it’s too long, they’ll keep scrolling.

Now, the tricky part is finding that sweet spot. The simple answer? Well, it just depends on the content. Step-by-step instructions may need a longer video than a simple product demonstration. However, everyone can agree that keeping information to the point is what matters. Don’t drag out your video for the sake of doing so. Keep it concise, and keep the content relevant.

In the end, it’s not about how long your video is, but when people stop watching.

5. Engage with Your Audience

Engage, engage, engage. If you aren’t, then you are wasting an opportunity. A big reason that people enjoy social media, is that it allows them to connect with their favorite brands.

So, take advantage of YouTube Shorts, include relevant pop-ups (or what YouTube refers to as info cards), and don’t forget to respond to comments when and where you can. This can also allow you to figure out the type of content your audience wants to see, which helps you create new content that brings them back.

If you’re feeling really froggy, you can even host a contest or giveaway.

6. Generate Leads & Promote

People are unlikely to just stumble onto your channel and brand. Can it happen? Sure, but you will be more successful by putting energy into generating and promoting your own leads. Some ways you can do this include:

  • Cross-promotion with other channels and brands (keep in mind this is reciprocal).
  • Reach out to influencers. They can have a lot of followers who take stock of what they say! However, pair with those catering to your target audience.
  • Social media and Website promotion. This can be via email newsletters, blog posts, and of course, social media links.

Ready to Boost Your Business’ YouTube Presence?

There is a lot of work that goes into building a successful YouTube Business Strategy. Content creation and planning alone can feel overwhelming, and then take into consideration all of the other pieces of strategy that need to be figured out. It’s definitely a lot. Thankfully, we can help! Our experts at Cyberlicious know what we’re doing, and utilize numerous resources to deliver you sweet results.

If you are ready to increase your brand presence on YouTube, contact us to set up a consultation and see exactly what we can offer you.

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