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Google Core Update August 2023

Google Core Update August 2023

Hello, August 2023! Google officially releases the next Google Core update of the year. Generally speaking, announced Core updates are expected to be significant updates since they include changes to multiple search algorithms and systems.

When a core update takes place, organic traffic, conversions and revenue can be influenced by potential shifts in rankings. No matter the outcome, it will have some effect on your website’s performance which might mean you need to reevaluate your SEO strategy, or at least make a few adjustments.

Interested in previous updates? Check them out:

Update Alert:

August 2023: Google releases the August 2023 core update. The rollout was complete as of September 7, 2023.

Google Core Update August 2023: Any Noticeable Changes?

We don’t have any specific details about what changes were made during this Google Core update. Unfortunately, Google doesn’t give us breakdowns of its intricate algorithm and system updates. All we can do is follow the volatility.

SEO chatter seemed to expect high volatility during this update, but in actuality, the previous update seemed to spike higher levels. Additionally, volatility had already been high before the start of the update. So, while we assume that some big changes were made, the already high volatility makes it difficult to really understand the ranking fluctuations.

What is volatility? Rankings in search engines for a certain keyword or group of keywords can fluctuate greatly over time, and this volatility is referred to as SERP volatility. When there are radical shifts in the rankings, it could indicate a high level of volatility. Conversely, stability in the results denotes a low level of volatility.

Recover From A Core Update

Uh-oh, you got hit by an update. Don’t start worrying too much though; it is the name of the game after all. SEO is a constantly changing area as search engines continue to optimize the experience for users. Let’s look at what to expect moving forward though.

What Steps do You Take to Recover?

First, it is important to remember that a decrease in rank after a Google Core update does not necessarily suggest something is wrong with your website. In fact, rather than attempting to find a technical fix for your lower rankings, Google recommends you focus more so on improving the overall quality of your online presence. Some tips we suggest:

How Long Does it Take to Recover?

There is no hard and fast rule for how long it will take for a website to recover from a Google Core update hit. In fact, websites may take multiple months to restore the rankings they lost. SEO is more like playing a long game, you likely won’t see results in a week.

Even when changes are made that should lead to a recovery, content affected by one core update could remain diminished until the release of the next broad core update. Similarly, webpages may make small steps to recovery as Google quietly releases smaller updates.

Struggling to recover and at the end of your rope? Let Cyberlicious® take a crack at it. We follow updates and industry changes, and not to mention, this is what we do for a living.

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